Careers Education and Guidance/ Work related Learning and Enterprise Education
At Bluebell Park we have interpreted the Gatsby Benchmark and recognise that every pupil, whatever their level or type of need should be given opportunities to fulfil their potential. Careers guidance for pupils with SEND should be based on the pupils’ own aspirations, abilities and needs. Careers are taught as a discrete subject from KS3-Post 16 within the PSHE/WRL/Enterprise curriculum. Pupils identify their personal skills and qualities and begin to link these to job-specific skills. They look at the world of work within the local community and begin to use appropriate vocabulary to describe this. They recognise local retail outlets and the services they provide. They begin to understand the necessity for health and safety within the workplace and are encouraged to learn relevant signage within their centre and further afield in the local community.
We understand that from January 2, 2018 the Baker Clause, inserted within the Technical and Further Education Act, came into enforcement meaning it is now statutory for all local authority-maintained schools and academies to allow education and training providers the opportunity to talk to pupils.
Every year Bluebell Park hosts a ‘Look to the Future’ event, all students from KS3 onwards are invited to attend this event and we also extend invitations to all parents/guardians of Post 16 pupils. This is an ideal opportunity for pupils and those who care for them to find out about different facilities and opportunities within the local area that offer post 19 provision. This is a tailor made day focused on the future needs of our pupils.
At KS4, pupils begin to explore future work-related opportunities. They take part in enterprise activities in which they plan, produce and sell items for profit (Christmas Fayer, Summer Fayer, JASS activities, Enterprise Showcase). They also participate in work related activities shadowing members of staff and helping within the Lower Department of the school.
In Post 16 all pupils are given the opportunity to experience a work placement (in the form of Coffee Shop, Horticulture and Work activities in the community). All pupils have opportunities to do horticultural work in the school grounds. Most students undertake some qualification in a work-related subject. These include both ASDAN T.I and ASDAN Personal and Social Development.
Careers Education and Guidance.
CEG is underpinned by the school’s policies for Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Recording and Reporting Achievement, PSHE, Enterprise and Work Related Learning, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, and Special Needs and is an important part of our students’ entitlement. Since 2004, CEG has been a statutory element of KS4 and is defined as:
- “Planned activity designed to use the context of work to develop knowledge, skills and understanding useful in work, including learning through the experience of work, learning about work and working practices and learning the skills for work” 14-19 Work Related Learning “Building on the Best” Final Report and Implementation Plan DCFS 2007
At Bluebell Park we believe all students should be offered opportunities to learn through work, about work and for work, allowing them to use and develop their skills, discover their strengths and identify areas of personal development to be worked on. These experiences will help prepare them as fully as possible for the transition from school to life after school. We recognise that a combination of opportunities and experiences are necessary to deliver the statutory requirement.
Key objectives to be developed and achieved;
- To enable pupils to apply the skills learned in the classroom in a real-life work experience placement
- To further improve skills by making learning more relevant and practical
- To offer further opportunity to develop personal and social skills
- To develop an understanding of work and its related responsibilities
- To broaden awareness of the world of work
- To introduce pupils to the knowledge and skills of particular occupational areas
- To help pupils to make the transition from school
Learning through the experience of work
- Through work experience programmes including workplace visits and work experience offered to students within school.
- Through opportunities in Enterprise events.
- Through an inclusion programme via ASDAN qualifications, college links, international exchange programmes and visits to Knowsley post school provision and local business/workplaces.
Learning about work and working practices
- Through Careers Education and Work Related learning Curriculum, Enterprise and Personal Action Planning.
- Through lessons that focus on topics and skills relevant to successful economic well being e.g. finance, roles in the community, SEAL, Health and Safety in the Workplace.
- Through inclusion programmes e.g. differentiated programmes for students who are not able to access PHSE input due to their needs or college attendance
- Through the curriculum where a range of issues involving health and safety, economic and business issues, environment and moral and social education are studied. These give insight into and a more practical understanding of work and work issues
- Through off time-table events and challenges, e.g. mini enterprise, enterprise events, sports weeks etc.
- Through health and safety courses and materials and a planned programme of education in DT, Horticulture, Food Technology and Road Safety Awareness etc.
- Policy statement for the School’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils
- Careers Policy
Contact details for Careers Information:
Kate Bouch,
Bluebell Park School,
Cawthorne Walk,
L32 3XP.
0151 477 8350