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Home Learning

Welcome to Bluebell Park’s Home learning. For a number of different reasons your child/young adult is now at home and ready to learn. We would like to offer support with the learning you may be able to do at home. On this page we will give you guidance/suggestions on how to work with your child, useful links to websites and activity ideas, a link to your classes current timetable and daily routines and a sample of work your child’s class would be doing.

We have found over many years of teaching within SEND the pupils often suit a specific pathway of support. We have three distinct pathways which you can see below. Your child’s class is set up to suit the pathway. You can click on your child’s class to learn more of the timetable they operate in class, daily routines, an example of work they would do and the pathway support mechanism.

Home Learning
Home Learning
Home Learning

If you would like to know more about how our curriculum and pathways work please look here (Curriculum)

Online safety when using websites – Advice for Parents and Carers

With schools currently closed, we are relying more and more on on-line resources and websites to engage our children in learning experiences and provide them with fun learning opportunities.  As a result of this, it is important that we highlight the need for online safety to protect both you and your children when using websites and online resources. Some of the most important things that you can do to protect your child when using the Internet include:

  • Setting filters to ensure that inappropriate material does not get through to your child’s screen. Searching the internet is a daily activity and Google is often the first port of call for homework and finding answers to questions.  It is important to remember that you, or your children, might come across inappropriate content during a search, even if they’re searching for something innocent.  Google SafeSearch helps you keep adult content out of search results.
  • Make sure every device is protected: controls should be installed on every device your child uses: mobile phone, tablet and games consoles (both home and handheld). Go to your security settings to do this.
  • Check your Privacy settings: activate the safety measures offered by different sites; social networking sites like Facebook have privacy settings that will help prevent your child seeing unsuitable advertising and keep your profile private and not public.
  • Block pop-ups:if you’re worried about your children accessing inappropriate content though accidentally clicking on adverts in pop-ups, BBC Webwise has advice on how to stop these.
  • Screen time– set sensible limits, make sure that children still get lots of chances to play, explore and interact in real life, away from screens and encourage them to choose appropriate media.

Some useful websites/organisations providing guidance on online safety are:

Internet Matters – parental guidance on keeping children safe in the digital world. It includes downloadable guides covering online gaming and cyberbullying, etc.

NSPCC – includes a range of resources to help parents keep children safe when they’re using the internet, social networks, apps, games and more.

Parent Info – this is a website for parents covering all of the issues amplified by the internet.

Parent Zone – offers a range of resources for families, to help them meet the challenges of the digital age, including parent guides on the latest digital trends and platforms.

We will be adding useful links to websites and activity ideas to this section of the website to help you whilst you are at home.

Please remember we have a new email where you can email any home learning queries. This email will be checked regularly and we will respond as soon as practically possible.

Please continue to stay safe at home.

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